Van Buren Birding Trail
January 11, 2021
Hello everyone! Nearly 2 years ago I started a blog, intending to publish new material frequently. After a few posts, it fizzled onto the back burner and then forgotten. Towards the end of 2020, I began to think about blogging again, starting January 1st. Now 10 days into the month, I’m finally getting around to it! Better late than never, I suppose!
My plan is to publish a variety of reading material with a personal touch. The Van Buren Birding Trail is a project I am very excited about bringing to you! Periodic posts will feature a unique birding hotspot in Van Buren County, MI with information on what you may see during each season. Van Buren County is up-and-coming in birding popularity, and I hope this project will further increase interest in birding the county.
Van Buren features a variety of habitat including forests, wetlands, farmland, grasslands, dunes and a small portion of Lake Michigan shoreline. The county is sandwiched between two well-birded counties: Berrien to the south and Allegan to the north. These counties bring in birders from all over the state attempting to find sought-after species difficult to find anywhere in the state like Yellow-throated Warbler, Worm-eating Warbler and Summer Tanager for starters.
I hope to feature my favorite birding patch, Wolf Lake State Fish Hatchery as my first entry into the Van Buren Birding Trail project. It should be up in the next day or two!
Stay tuned and tell your friends!
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